Peter Klentos

Prior to joining Kofax in 2021, Peter’s career in the document management industry spans nearly 25 years and has managed hundreds of implementations, both large and small, at customer locations throughout the US, with many having locations outside the US. Prior to co-founding Tallega Software, a company in the advanced capture and document management space, Peter served as the Director of Customer Support at OpenText. Peter joined OpenText through acquisition, where he was responsible for creating and managing the entire professional services and support teams. Peter was one of the original five employees of Magellan Software, which was the world’s leading AS/400 document imaging software company, as well as the number one reseller of Kofax capture solutions. Magellan was eventually purchased by Gauss Interprise (a public company headquartered in Germany), which was subsequently purchased by OpenText. Mr. Klentos holds an Undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Cal Poly Pomona and holds current certifications for ten different product lines within the ECM industry.