Deliver Compliant, Accessible Documents in 3 Easy Steps
Crawford Technologies enables organizations to deliver automated accessibility services, expertise, and solutions through the AccessibilityNow® platform.
In working with many high-profile clients across financial services, healthcare, government, education, and telecommunications, we have learned that the path to making content accessible can be distilled into this simple, repeatable model: Find, Test and Fix.
Join Scott Baker and Karol Krzywon for an educational webinar that will cover some of the common use cases we have encountered regarding Find/Test/Fix, how this model can be deployed either on-premises or in the cloud, and how top organizations are meeting very demanding accessibility requirements and moving the needle for people who need all content to be both accessible and usable.
Presented by Scott Baker, Executive Vice President and Karol Krzywon, Accessibility Pre-Sales Specialist, Crawford Technologies
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